I operate within society and for society. Photography, for me, is a language of connections, discovery, and reflection. I move between the individual and the collective, between the personal moment and the broader narrative, searching for the space where identity takes shape and intertwines with its surroundings.
There is no light without darkness, and no darkness that does not carry within it the possibility of light. This tension runs through my work—a movement between revelation and concealment, between memory and forgetting, between presence and absence. Captured moments become layered fragments of time, shifting between what was and what is still unfolding. Photography is a means to pause, observe, and notice what is there but nearly escapes the eye.
In a world saturated with images, where the line between truth and illusion is increasingly blurred, the camera can also serve as a healing tool. Amidst the visual noise, it allows for a moment of stillness, isolates and illuminates what has been pushed to the margins. It offers stability within the constant flow, revealing what remains unseen and inviting the gaze to linger, to deepen, to find clarity within the chaos.
My work exists between order and disorder, between the transient and the eternal. The images I create are not just frozen moments but open fields of interpretation. I seek to evoke a sense of pause, to invite contemplation, to pose questions rather than hasten toward answers.
Photography is testimony and presence, preservation and transformation.
Within this space, images emerge, seeking their place, forging connections between past and present, between the visible and the hidden.
Within this space, images emerge, seeking their place, forging connections between past and present, between the visible and the hidden.